SCOTTScott Guitard is a youth worker in Mission and helps run the Mission Youth House (MY House) Q: What are the main needs of your youth right now? |
Q: How are you holding up? Q: Are there positives coming out of this?
SANDRASandra Reilly is a youth worker and counsellor in Maple Ridge |
Q: What are you doing now to engage with youth? Q: Tell me about youth work hitting home. |
As we chatted, it became clear that home was not safe and COVID had diminished most of Sam’s options. After a talk with the Ministry, it became obvious that my home was the only real option. Sam has shared that living in our home is the first time experiencing regular meals at the table together. It was also a safe space to talk about emotions, receive empathy, feel appreciated and be given the freedom to ask about faith. Sam is managing the new homeschool system and their part-time job well and recently opened a bank account. |
AMANDAAmanda Ratzlaff works with the Street Life program in East Vancouver Q: How is the Street Life RV used during social distancing? Q: Give us a snapshot of what youth work is like now? |
ANDREWAndrew Chong is a youth worker and the North Shore Area Director Q: What positive outcomes have occurred since the pandemic? I remember in the first week, I was talking with one of our longer-term youth, and we had the deepest conversation we’d ever had. We talked about her brother and why he loves Jesus and what happened when he went to Keats Camp: did he experience some fake spiritual hypnotism or was he actually connecting with something? We talked about her questions and I shared my testimony. I decided I’d ship her Mark Clark’s book, The Problem of God, to address some questions on science and faith. Q: What growth have you seen? |
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Youth from across Greater Vancouver have dug deep to get creative and encourage the community. On June 16, comedian John Cullen will host the YU Viral Video contest during a live show streamed on YouTube. We’d be so honoured to have you check out the best of the best of the hilarious, heartwarming, creative and incredible videos created by youth across Greater Vancouver. You’ll be voting for the winners! |
CityFest was a huge success, despite having to move the 5,000-person event online. Hundreds of youth submitted their talented entries and 170 prizes were awarded. “It’s one of the best, if not the best, youth-run events in our province,” said North Vancouver Mayor Linda Buchanan. “It’s for youth, by youth, and showcases so much talent while drawing people from all over. Thank you very much for everything that you’re doing.” |
We were blown away by the love and support for our Young Families program. The annual gala providing critical funding had to be cancelled due to COVID-19, and instead many components went online — and you showed up! We raised $62,293 of the $100,000 goal to provide counselling and a safe, caring and supportive environment for parenting youth. We still have the shortfall to make up, so if you missed you chance to give, visit: www.youngfamilies.ca |
YU’s annual Golf Tournament at Redwoods Golf Course has moved to September 8, 2020! Visit www.youthunlimited.com/golf for updates. |
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As a kid I use to have arguments with my cousin about who was the toughest superhero of all. His answer? Spiderman, but for me it was definitely The Hulk. I mean, come on — The Hulk would easily squash that little spider bug. In the 80’s I was fascinated by a more down to earth TV hero: a blonde, curly haired school teacher who went out of his way to inspire troubled students. As the storyline goes, this everyday teacher one day discovered a superhero suit from outer space and became a hero outside the classroom as well. Unfortunately, he lost the instructions to the suit and was constantly flying into stuff. He was easy to laugh at, but he made a difference in peoples’ lives as well. I even gave myself a Toni Perm to look just like him. He was the “The Greatest American Hero.” Side note: Best TV theme song ever! Most of us never see ourselves as heroes. Even someone who has saved a kid from drowning doesn’t usually see themselves as a hero, but we certainly would. In times of crisis, the heroes step forward. We are in an unparalleled global crisis right now and the heroes are stepping forward. At YU, that hero is you! With the increased demands and financial hardship, you have continued to pray and invest financially in the lives of our vulnerable youth. You are our heroes. Some of you have lost all income and so financial investment is not an option at this time, yet you have told us your heart is with us and your prayers continue to sustain us. Thank you! Most of you continue to give even though it hurts to do so. What a beautiful act of generosity. Thank you! While we have experienced a drop in financial support, we know and believe God will sustain us and we trust God to sustain you as well. We pray for you and for your families. We thank all of you for your heroics in this crisis. You are a true light and beacon of hope for our youth. We could never do this without you. “I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” – Jesus With the deepest of gratitude,
Executive Director |
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