Kellie Brown

YU Staff Mentor, and Young Families Director

Relationships matter most to me. I believe that being ‘known’ by God and others is at the deepest longing of every person in the world.

It’s no surprise that YU’s Young Families Director and Staff Mentor finds relationships life-giving. It is in those relationships in which Kellie spends her time, knowing others and pursuing relationships with them.

Our Young Families team creates a safe environment where every person who walks through our doors know they are loved and belong. We aren’t just a program, we’re a family.

Before YU, Kellie spent ten years working with kids experiencing physical, emotional and cognitive barriers in the local school system. It opened up her eyes to a need which eventually lead her to YU. In her words:

I began to understand the impact of generational poverty on families. That is what eventually brought me to Youth Unlimited. I had a dream to break the cycle of poverty and for children to live in a family filled with hope.

Kellie is also passionate about equipping young leaders on the YU team to create a healthy staff! The more I can equip YU staff, the more they can have a lasting impact on youth. Her passions don’t stop there. Besides young families and youth, Kellie loves a refreshing swim, a grueling hike or an adventurous travel to the unknowns—as long as there’s sunshine involved.


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Together we can transform the world our youth live in—but we can’t do it without you.

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Every dollar makes a difference at YU. Thanks to low overhead and the maximization discounted and gifted vendor relationships, YU stretches each dollar to often double or triple its value.
